
Following the UNEB Curriculum, GS Virtual Learning aims to develop learners’ minds by imparting skills and knowledge in them while encouraging them to create, collaborate, critically think, be self-disciplined and self-driven.

Learners are exposed to project work through various online learning features some of which include:

  • Interactive lessons & multimedia presentations
  • Online quizzes, surveys & discussion forums
  • Creation of video, audio and word content

To encourage blended learning, learners will also be required to apply what they have learned online to their day to day experiences.

“All work and no play makes Jack a dullboy“

We understand engaging learners in physical and creative outlets is important.

GS Virtual Learning encourages learners to engage in a range of co-curricular activities that suit their circumstances, home resources and facilities. These include:

  • Online games & competitions
  • Outdoor games & aerobics
  • Art and craft
  • Domestic chores and so much more…

“A relationship with God is the most important relationship you can have. Embrace it everyday.”

GS Virtual Learning also caters for learners’ spiritual and emotional wellbeing.

The learning solution’s schedule has been carefully developed to allow for time for prayer, devotion and counseling sessions needed to help learners grow spiritually, and cope with the challenges they are faced with.

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